Sunday, 8 March 2009

Cotton Waters

March 07 2009 Sat 6:40 p.m
The River that flows

Yay! My first long exposure on moving waters without using any ND filters at all! Um yadah yadah!
You may ask whats so special about that? Well for starters, GOODLUCK on finding these things on DUBAI where there are no flowing bodies of water like what we see back home and to find these things you have to explore the outlying mountains and borders and only God knows where to find it.

Much to my delight when i found this on one of the beaches here. Yep it's still man made but the rocks are not. But it gave me something to practice on.

But I dont have any freakin' ND filters.

Solution is to wait for the sun to set and when your meter reads less than 1 second on Aperture Priority, go for it!

The only drawback without the ND is the very limited time window. Too dark and it becomes too long and the water too smooth. And no more light from the sun to give that vibrance on the rocks.

Well at least i got my cotton waters.


  1. hi! tnx for the blog visit. :) so how was your buffet?

    i can't understand a thing. it's all photography jargons. hehe. but i like the photo. i didn't know it was supposed to be water, i thought they were dry ice or something. :)

  2. thanks Reena.

    me too i cant still fully understand the process hehe but im still learning.

    the buffet was a blast! i will post it soon.
